The Kakamega Tropical Rainforest Rehabilitation Project and Community-led tree planting initiative in Kakamega forest block and Nandi Forest to mitigate climate change and promote biodiversity conservation Initiative is a collaborative effort between Women in Water and Natural Resources Conservation (WWANC), the International Tree Foundation (ITF), Kenya Forest Service (KFS), Community Forest Association, and local communities in the catchments of Kakamega Tropical Rainforest. This initiative aims to restore degraded forest areas, enhance biodiversity, and improve the livelihoods of adjacent communities through a series of targeted activities.
Project Activities
These measures are put in place to impact both communities and forests. The goal is to provide alternatives to forest resources and give communities the ability to acquire resources from elsewhere other than the forest. By doing this the community will either have the resources at home or make the finances needed to purchase the needed resources.
There will be reduced pressure in forests hence contributing to a normal and healthy forest ecosystems.