Women led Community Forest Conservation Initiative in the MAU forest ecosystem Narok County, Kenya is a project whose goal is to enhance landscape restoration through tree growing in natural forests and farmlands and increase climate adaptive capacity of grassroots women and communities living around the Mau Forest Complex, the largest water tower in Kenya. The project aims to heighten food security and soil conservation as well as promoting pastoral ecosystem-based adaptation as well as enhance capacity building and knowledge development for grassroots women on conservation practices and replant threatened species that are quickly being depleted in the forest.
The project is funded by TerraFund for AFR100, a Consortium of World Resources Institute (WRI),One Tree Planted (OTP), Realize Impact and the BARKA Fund.
Women in Water and Natural Resources Conservation (WWANC) is working with all relevant stakeholders to restore 200 Ha degraded sites in Mau the Forest Ecosystem and 15 Ha on farmlands in Narok County.
Tree planting and Growing (in forest and farmlands)
Capacity building and knowledge development for grassroots communities/women through training on environmental sustainability and landscape restoration.